Ford Repair: 2001 Ford Taurus PO401 & starting problem, ford taurus, coat hangers
QuestionQUESTION: My 2001 Ford Taurus with the SOHC engine developed a problem starting a couple of weeks ago. It would crank, try and start, the engine would move, but would not run. A couple of hours later it would start and run for a few days, then do it again. I put a new battery in it. Same problem. Took it to a local Goodyear who could not get it to not start...they checked for spark, etc, and could not figure it out. Then when I got it home the check engine light came on, a friend of mine ran the code which came up P0401...EGR....reading on the internet, it may be the DPFE sensor and not the EGR. Could this issue be related to the starting problem? I need to get the P0401 problem fixed and am hoping it fixes the strating issue.
ANSWER: You're problem sounds more like a clogged EGR pipe, due to carbon buildup.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the response. What is the best way to clear the pipe?
AnswerBe sure that the engine is good and cooled off first. Remove the pipe, and try just shooting carb. cleaner through it. I have even seen coat hangers used to push some of the carbon through. However, be careful. The tube is very fragile. Also, the bolts are like all exhaust bolts, difficult at best, so use a good penetrating oil.