Ford Repair: speedometer, ford ranger xlt, 2000 ford ranger xlt

Hello my odometer and speedometer stop working on my 2000 ford ranger xlt v6 stick shift with antilock brakes about 6 years ago. Ford wouldn't repair it cause I went over my warranty miles.  I read somewhere if you had your tires changed the workers would have to turn off your speed sensor in the rear axle that  makes the speedometer and odometer work. Is this true could you please explain to me how I can fix them. The fuse is fine.

Thank You


never heard of that sorry-you don't turn your speed sensor on and off
have your cluster checked

you can rate me a 0 on knowledge if you want to just because i don't agree with you-don't mean you are correct in your assumption-i am telling you you don't turn it on and off-if your fuse is fine have your speed sensor checked for proper operation they do go bad but they don't have an on off switch.