Ford Repair: 1999 E-150 Evaporator Replacement, r 134 refrigerant, motor core

Blower motor box full of water, had to replace motor, core was paper thin and trying to clear drain, paper thin core popped and evacuated system of R-134 refrigerant front and rear. Is this replacement of core all done under the hood and does the cover come apart to expose and replace the core easily enough even though it maybe labor intensive?

one cores have to be thin to dissipate the for heat dissipation-they have always been thin, yes it does come out from outside takes time but be carefull you can twist smaller lines into if to rough with them-when you replace core add 2 ounces of pag oil to evaporator core
replace accumulater and add one ounce of oil and replace orifice tube while you are there-have at least a 15 minute vacuum pulled before recharging.