Ford Repair: Need A/C compressor help, large nipple, oil charge
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Mark,
I have a 2003 Explorer XLT witht eh 4.6 and rear air. the compressor locked up and spewed oil everywhere. I have the new compressor but have a few questions:
1. The instructions refer to measuring the amount of oil in the old compressor and removing a determined amount of oil from the new compressor. It also says to add 2 ounces if replacing the accumulator/dryer, which I am. Long story short, I cannot accurately measure the oil out of the old one as it is long gone. Am I good to run with the 7 ounces loaded in the compressor? Should I try and blow any residual oil out of the lines and condenser? I am being lead to believe that the system overall should have 13 ounces.
2. The 2 lines that go into the compressor are welded to a plate that bolts to the compressor. Below one of the line to the rear is what looks like a large nipple. It is hexed at the end, which looks like you can put a wrench on it, and it has a hole in the end that looks to have black plastic inside? What is this and does it need to be replaced for any reason? I have a picture but don't have it hosted anywhere.
Thanks for the help!
ANSWER: number one are you using a rebuilt or new compressor-i strickley use new ones now and they don't come with any oil in them. if you are using a rebuilt then use the oil in it unless told otherwise you can also call your supplier and they should be able to tell you-yes add at least 2 ounces to the accumulator-be sure and replace the orifice tube or liquid line whichever way that one comes-definitely flush out condenser and lines-evacuate and recharge. add one ounce for the condenser.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It is a new Motorcraft compressor and it says that it is has a full oil charge of 7 ounces. Total oil for the system is supposed to be 13 ounces as it has rear air, according to what I read. What is the best way to flush the system to get all the residual oil out? Can I just use compressed air? Exactly where is the orifice tube located? Thanks!
Answeryou need a flush usually about 15-25 dollars per quart-remove lines to and from condenser i have a container that i fill then pressurize with air and flush out the condenser the orifice tube is located in the small line between the condenser and evaporator core-you may need an orifice tube remover to get it out if there is a lot of trash on it you may end up replacing condenser to get your air cold enough and high pressures down where they should be.