Ford Repair: 1977 Ford F-150 wont start, ford f 150, solenoid starter

Truck died yesterday and wouldn't start. kept trying and starter hung up so I replaced ignition switch now it wont turn over at all it doesnt do anything when I turn the key now. I tried to pull start it but it wouldn't fire-up that way either. It is a 1977 ford F-150 with a 390 motor with 39.5 tires on it.

if it wouldn't start when it was spinning over pull starting is a waste of time

did you replace the ignition switch or starter solenoid on the fender
check wires to solenoid-starter and battery if you turn a starter repeatedly you will burn it,the battery,solenoid or wires up. especially if you have temporary terminals on the cables or cheap cables-when you get it turning over again don't try cranking until  you cause another problem-check for spark-fuel and if it is in time.
or better yet send it to a reputable garage.