Ford Repair: 1996 ford tarus left axle, 1996 ford tarus, cotter pins
Questionlooking for the information to replace the left front axle on a 1996 ford tarus
Answerraise off ground on left side-be sure and put jack stand underneath if you don't have a lift-
remove left tire-remove left outer tie rod end-they make a tool to hammer in between tie rod end and spindle we call it a fork-you can also get it loose after nut is removed by taking a hammer and hitting spindle on side where tie rod goes through-remove outer axle nut and washer-remove lower control arm at ball joint and pry down on control arm to remove from spindle-remove caliper and tie to coil spring with wire or cord-start nut back on axle with three or four threads-pull outward sharply on spindle to pop axle out of transmission-when new axle is installed in trans-put outer shaft through hub bearing and tap or work spindle back and forth to make sure axle seats in transmission-reverse everything to install. be sure and use new cotter pins on control arm and tie rod nuts if they have any.