Ford Repair: ball joints, bumpy dirt road, cv boots

QUESTION: 2003 explorer 53,000 miles noticed rubber boots were disintegrating so took it to ford under premium care warranty as was a cert used car--replaced a few other parts due to problems but was told that the boot shredding wasn't cause for part to be replaced. i live down a bumpy dirt road and am concerned that after my warranty runs out in Oct that then they will decide that it needs replacing. are they pulling one over on me?

ANSWER: Hi Stephanie,
Need to know which rubber boots you are talking about and your VIN number , so I can look up parts to see if they are covered!!!
Are they the CV boots, Rack & Pinion boots or tie rod end boots???

[email protected]

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Vin==1FMZU63K33UA28590  And they are the ball joint boots right behind the tires on the front end.
check this page out for pictures.  thanks again

Hi Stephanie,
The boots are part of the ball joint and the ball joint is part of the upper control arm (Part # 3084 & 3085) that is covered by your contract until Oct. Your FORD dealed should cover this as the boots are not availble seperatly!!!
