Ford Repair: running ruff, mass airflow sensor, vacuum leak
Questionthe car want stay idealing u havft to put ur foot on the gass to keep it running tought i have cleaned the erg and it's was good checked for any vaccum leak did not find any what could be the probleam with this car could u tell what might be wrong with it plz ok kool marshall
Answeri don't have enough info to completely answer your question but some things that might be going on is.
if it is fuel injected you may have a dirty throttle bore-remove the hose from the air cleaner to the throttle bore-with the engine off look inside the throttle bore and see if you see any black residue in front of the throttle plate and if you do have someone push the accelerator down so you can look behind the plate if it is dirty-get some throttle bore cleaner and a small brush spray cleaner in the throttle bore and gently scrub then spray more cleaner in it to rinse-i would not recommend a tooth brush because sometimes they break right at the head and can go inside engine instead get a small wooden handle brush less than 1.50 at most hardware stores.
a vacuum leak
a dirty mass airflow sensor
a dirty iac motor.
give me more info on the vehicle if top item doesn't work.