Ford Repair: Ford Escape Stalling, Escape leaks water, Escape floor wet
I don't know if this question falls within your area of expertise...but I am asking anyway :) My 2005 Escape has been stalling nearly daily since late March. It happens when approaching a stop and when the car seems to be cold. It sputters and jerks and then finally stalls. The dealer said it was the Idol Air Controller...that was changed and it still stalls. Now they say "no codes" are being generated to indicate a problem. I am desperate for answers and don't want to get taken at the local auto repair shop.
Thank you in advance,
Have the dealership pull the front interior kick panels and see if the carpet matting is wet under the front catpet areas.A water leak intrusion can cause a condition such as this.Let me know how you make out.
Drew Young