Ford Repair: 2002 Taurus SES Moonroof, screw head, drive cables

Moonroof will not close, it's open all the way, when I press the button, no sounds, is there a manual way to close it, or fuses, to check, of course there is no help in my service amnual about closing it incase of emergency.


 I assume this is a stock sunroof unit and not dealer installed after the car was built.
 As with any motorized sunroof unit,you would have to locate the sunroof unit motor. This could be found under the headliner you are looking at. This would mean you may have to drop the headliner you are looking at in order to see the motor that drives the sunroof.
Once you find the motor,on the face side you are looking at you might find a recessed nut or screw that is part of the motor
housing. Most of the time this has a torque type head on this screw. It may be exposed that you can see it,or there may be a sticker hiding it.
If you found that,you would have to get the appropriate type/size torque bit,usually held by you with a 1/4" socket and ratchet and turn this screw clockwise or counter clockwise. This will move the drive cables in the sunroof unit to the open or closed position.
Keep in mind to use the right sized torque bit, you don't want to strip the screw head, and give it some muscle when turning your ratchet as the cables are a little stiff to move manually.
Feel free to send me a picture or two of the sunroof motor if you have any questions.([email protected])
I will try to answer them for you if I can.
Hope this helps,