Ford Repair: Escort Rough Drive, potholes, engine transmission

I recently bought a 1993 Escort used, and the car is in very good condition, but there are two problems that worry me.

One, the car pulls to one side when you let go of the wheel and seems really loud when driving over bumps or even small potholes. Is this a suspension problem or just normal wear from how old the vehicle is?

Two, The car drives pretty smoothly and doesn't really have any starting problems, but while in drive and at a stand still the car will idle very rough. It stops if you put it in park or when you begin to drive again. Is this a major problem or can it be easily fixed?

Hello Sandi, Have the suspension checked, you may have a bad strut,spring broken,stabilizer links bad causing the noise and pull. On your run rough the engine is probably not running rough. Escorts that year had a vib issue, Ford had a technical service bulletin on the vibration in gear to replace mounts for the engine,transmission and radiator. Does not effect the way the vehicle runs and drives. Hope this helps Thanks Tony