Ford Repair: 88 F250 no start, internal engine components, fuel pressure
QuestionI have good fuel pressure 35psi. Good compression 140psi, pulse to injectors. Valve and ignition timing are ok. Kicks w/ether, not w/gas. Still no start...What am I missing.
Thanks for your time
AnswerDoes it attempt to crank,or does it idle for a second or two before dying?Forewarning you,ether is very hazardous for you're internal engine components due to it's extremely low flash point.Clogged injectors,even a bad fuel pump will all do this.The fuel pressure can be 35 p.s.i at the rail,but when put under a load,the pump might not be working.You have done very well in articulating and describing you're problem.A busted intake gasket will also cause this.Please let me know how the car does after the ether.Oh yeah,before you reply,go ahead and throw 2-3 gallons in just in case.Not too much because you still may be dropping the tank.I once had a guy that swore he had gas but it turns out that someone had stolen gas overnight from his truck.