Ford Repair: 1988 ford 5.0 engie, e303 cam, pony motor
Questionmy ? is theengie runs not good thecompresion for the # 1 2 3 4 cylinders are all 115 the compresion for the # 5 is 100 #'s 6 and 7 are both 110 and # 8 is 100 seems 2 cylinders are running bad do u think that it would be in the values or springs in the head or the rings or cylinders thank u rick its a mustang motor in a pick up
AnswerYou're compression really is down all across the board.I don't like my pony motors to drop more than 5 lbs across the board.You need to beat or around 150 lbs.It would be tough to say which was you're problem,because another likely culprit is the cam itself.If it was me,that is where I would start.I would go and get me a little E303 cam with lifters.I would by a set of valve springs,any flavor will suit,while I was at the parts store.If that doesn't wake up you're pony motor,then you would need a bottom end rebuild.That is unlikely unless you are losing oil or fouling plugs.