Ford Repair: 1996 Ford Ranger instrument cluster has no light, reostat, buld

I have no light to my instrument cluster , there is no fuse listed for cluster , I have radio lights and the dimmer switch is working . When I turn on the ignition , the 5 or 6 symbols at the bottom of cluster will light up but when the vehicle is started they don't stay on . I saw on repair info about cluster replacement that there is a buld located in bottom left corner in the back of the cluster , is this bulb the problem ? , and if this is the problem , is there a easy way to access this buld ? Thanks for your help .

Hello Doug, There may be a coupole of things going on. 1) bulbs burnt out in cluster 2)reostat in headlamp switch for the adjustment to luminate brightness. Also check the fuse list because circuits will share fuses and not be specific. Hope this helps Thanks Tony