Ford Repair: 2000 Explorer, wet weather, electrical contacts
QuestionMy 2000 Explorer stalls out in the rain and will also have problems shifting after stalling out. I have replaced the IAC valve and whatever it is called that controls the airflow to the engine and it still stalls out in wet weather. Now I am guessing tighten the plugs and replace the plug wiring but I am truly just guessing. Please help.
AnswerIf it is stalling,is the check engine light not on?Change the plugs and wires,but be sure and use plenty of dielectric grease.It locks out moisture between the plug and wire.You can even use it at the coil.Check all of you're connections,if you can shoot some connector cleaner spray for electrical contacts.You can pick any of this up at the parts store.Do one at a time and don't get ahead of yourself.Let me know if the check engine light is on after you have had it read for free at the parts store.