Ford Repair: 2001 Taurus wipers, windshield wipers, harness connector

i had a new stereo installed and now my windshield wipers don't work at all.  I call where I had it installed and they said the wiring for the wipers is in the steering column and is unrelated to the stereo.  I check the fuses and they are good. Do you think it's related to the new install??

Anything is possible.I suppose if the wrong harness connector was used it could cause this problem.Then again,it could be a coincidence.Call them back and ask them if they are prepared to pay for labor of having the vehicle fixed if it is determined they are at fault.They may change their tune.I would also ask them if human error is possible.However,if they spliced the wires instead of using the proper harness connector,then all bets are off.Check into it.