Ford Repair: 96 ford taurus/head gasket, blown head gasket, coolant system

QUESTION: my car is blowing grey smoke when it warms up, does that mean its a blown head gasket or a cracked head?

ANSWER: I need a little more information than what you have given.How is the car running?Are there fluids anywhere they are not suppose to be?Are you losing any fluids?Has the car run hot before?What does the engine temperature usually stay at?How much oil does it use?

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QUESTION: the car runsl ike normal but it uses alot of coolant and it blows smoke alot there is no sign of oil or any other leakage evrything pionts toward the coolant system,how do you know if the head is cracked?

With no visible leaks,and steam like smoke,I would have to conquer with you're theory of a blown head gasket.To find out if the head is cracked,it will need to be removed and taken to a machine shop.You need to do this anyways when replacing the head gasket to have the head resurfaced.