Ford Repair: 2003 Ford Taurus Mis-Fire after fixing..., ford taurus, firing order

99,700 miles on my 2003 taurus se. 3.0L base engine. check engine light came on, then flashed....then stayed lit for a few days CAR MISSED BADLY. so auto zone said mis fire on CYL 1, so i replaced all the plugs and spark friend hooked the firing order up wrong and my car was doing all kinds of funny stuff. so we " fooled aroudn with it and it ran) took it to a mechanic they said the firing order was wrong, and they fixed it and the check engine light is is still missing, NOT MUCH AT ALL but a little when warm and more when cold...any suggestions? im 18 in school and on my own, i need help please!!!!!!!!!1 [email protected] is my e mail!

I will need you to answer a few  questions I have to more accurately assist you.Is the check engine light still on?Does it have trouble idling?Is the miss present only at an idle or also when going down the road.What brand of spark plugs and what brand of wires did you put on?Did this start when the check engine light first came on?Have the check engine light checked again please before you reply.When the mechanic changed the firing order,did he change the plugs?In the future,change one spark plug at a time,only removing one wire at a time, to prevent messing up the firing order.Good luck.