Ford Repair: 95 ranger rough running, camshaft sensor, obd 2 codes
Questioni have a 95 ranger 2.3 5 speed manufactured january 95 about a few weeks ago it started running rough started as a bucking at moderate throdle and would backfire when shifting then went to running verry rough when driving at any speed....but if i start off verry slowly it will respond well also if i floor it and bring the r.p.m up and shift at high rpm it responds ok i stoped at advanced and pulled the codes p0340 cam sensor came up. now the million dollar question has been does the cam sensor caues the problems some say no some say yes and alot dont have any idea where or what type this is ( 2 wire or 3 wire) 2 ford dealers where at odds as to this problem right now i dont have time to take this thing apart and hunt for this it could be behind the timing belt cover or elsewhere on the block if you could lead me in the right direction t would be forever greatfull since you guys where the only ones that could help me with with a 98 blazer from hell
thanks bob
AnswerYou're cam sensor is giving inaccurate readings,making the truck run like it has jumped time.It is you're problem.Love those OBD-2 codes.No,the sensor is not inside the cover,it is outside the cover.You can go to,select you're vehicle,and it gives a pretty good picture of the camshaft sensor.