Ford Repair: power windows, fuse box, circuit breakers
Questionhi dennis my power windows worked fine last night on my 2003 ford explorer this morning they just quit for no reason ive checked all the fuses and circuit breakers but they appear to be fine any help would be very appreciated iam a ford salesman and havent had the time to ask any of my mechanics
AnswerWindow related fuses are F1.6 and F1.47 under the hood, and F2.17 in the instrument panel fuse box. Check them with a test light on each side of the fuse, or remove them and check with an ohmmeter. A visual check cannot always reveal a hairline or minor break in the fuse. The other item that might be a problem is the accessory delay relay, but other accessories may not work if this relay is faulty.
I have seen problems in the door wiring, especially the drivers door; if the master switch is faulty or losing power this will effect all windows.