Ford Repair: 87 ford 2.9 no fuel to intake, fuel pressure regulator, engine vacuum
QuestionI've been given an 87 Ford Ranger 2.9 Fuel Injected. I've got fuel all the way to the brand new fuel pressure regulator. I've straight wired the fuel pump regulator to the key and it does come on. I'm not getting fuel to the intake. Gas on a rag gets it to start fine till the fumes burn out. I've checked the vacuum to the pressure regulator and that is good. I thought it might not be enough vacuum so i bypassed to the brake booster to ensure lots of vacuum. Its just not taking fuel to the intake. Doen everything but hit it with a hammer! Any ideas?????. I have a new fuel filter, new fuel lines, etc.
AnswerNot sure what you mean by straight wiring the fuel pump "regulator".
If you don't have at least 35 PSI, the engine will not run or start. Engine vacuum is irrelevant until the engine starts, which allows the regulator to allow full pressure on start up. If this vehicle has been sitting for an extended period, you might have some clogging or buildup in the fuel rail or injectors.