Ford Repair: Ford Expidition 2001, pressure switch, freon

QUESTION: My cooling system was overcharged by the jerk that I bought it from. over 120. psi  I evacuated the system and recharged to the proper psi. know the system is not running cold at all. it's cool at best.. WHAT COULD I DO. I HAVE NO IDEA OF WHAT IT COULD BE. I'M Handy and could probably fix it or replace my self. if i only new what the problem is...

ANSWER: Can you be more specific about the pressure.Is that the high side because I hope it wasn't the low side.Is the compressor kicking on?How long does it stay on?Need to know these types of questions also.

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QUESTION:  It was the low side.. The compressor is not coming on I looked at the fuses and i need to know if there is any switches to check ? there is no power getting to the compressor it's not turning on at all...

With the pressure that high(120p.s.i)I have to say that there is a good chance that your compressor is burnt up.Can't say for sure whether or not if the problem existed before you took it in the first time.Check the high pressure switch on back of the compressor or the low pressure switch where the freon goes in.