Ford Repair: 95 T-Bird air-conditioning problems, electric actuator, intermittent problem
QuestionI've had an intermittent problem with the air-con working and then not working. I took it in for repair and was told that the AC Control Head INOP needed to be replaced. They replaced it with a Ford part. Then a relay box went out with the new head. That was replaced and I was told the car was good to go, but on the way home the air quit working again. I'm afraid I'm looking at an electrical problem that's going to take days to find unless someone can give us some advice.
AnswerYour question is not clear about whether you are losing the cooling, the fan, or everything. If the ac starts blowing warm air, then I would look at the blend door controls and actuator. If it stops blowing all together that is a different problem. It would also help to know if you have EATC or manual ac controls.
OK, with this new info you should be concentrating on the blend door which controls the temperature. I have not seen many blend doors break on Tbirds, most likely the electric actuator is the problem. Some switch failures, but not likely, and I think you said the control panel had been replaced already. Biggest problem with the actuator is the instrument panel must be removed to replace it!