Ford Repair: Model T Troubleshooting, experimental aircraft association, engine airplane

I am trying to get a 1926 Model T Touring running again that was purchased by my Great Grandfather new in 1927.  It's been in my family since then and most recently in my Dad's garage on the farm collecting dust, dirt, and rat droppings.  It hadn't been run for probably 10-15 years.  I put in all new wiring, new plugs, new commutator, one new coil, etc. and did get it to start, but it cuts out badly and backfires continually.  I'm also from Kansas and hope you can give me some assistance or ideas.



  You know, I really should know more about Model T engines since my father built one for use in a single engine airplane several years ago, but honestly they're pretty foreign to me.  I do know there are several places all across the country that specialize in rebuilding Model T engines, but that's about all I know.  My advice to you would be to contact a local EAA (experimental aircraft association) chapter as they always seem to have a bunch of guys who know a ton about what it takes to make those engines run.  I live near Kansas City and the chapter there is pretty big, but they're all over the place.  Hope this helps.
