QuestionQUESTION: My brakes in the front pulse sometimes, more so in wet conditions. I have replaced the pads in the front and back but still have trouble. I had a broken line going to the back and have replaced it. I also have a Hayes book that tells me to take it to a shop to have the master cylinder bleed. Can I do this myself? Thanks for any help you can give me. Andy
ANSWER: is it your abs active , because pulstion usauly r there or not ,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: As far as I know, I know the front are abs and the rear is not. Also I have a lot of brake dust on the front wheels.
Answerwhat i am tring to say is are you sure that the abs is not comming on and u think its a pulsation , because normaly when u have one , its there it does not come and u want to bleed master cylinder , i would open th elines going to the master and have someone press brakes down and hold down and when it is all the way down tighten lines , does that a couple times , let me know how u made out