Ford Repair: 97 Tracer problems, shout down, test light
QuestionMy tracer got loose the oil filter a bit and lost oil, the computer shout down it because no oil tighten the filter and fill up oil,now it don't get spark on the plugs, build fuel pressure but don't inject it to the cylinders...what can be the problem?
AnswerThe computer will not shut down the engine if you lose oil pressure. There is another problem somewhere. Are you sure it's not injecting fuel? The only way to be sure is to unplug an injector, and attach each end of a test light to the injector wires. Crank the engine over, the light will blink if the injector is being fired. I would say the most likely problem is that your engine ran out of oil and the camshaft locked up, causing the timing belt to break. Now the cam is not turning and so you can not get fuel into the cylinders (because the valves are closed). Pry the plastic timing cover out of the way just a little and have someone crank the engine, if the top pulley under the cover doesn't move, that's what happened. Good luck,