Ford Repair: 2002 Explorer rear view mirror, rear view mirror, mirror assembly

I've replaced (reglued) mirrors from other brand vehicles. There is usually a set screw holding the metal pad to the rear view mirror assembly, which I loosen, remove the metal pad, clean old glue from windshield and pad, then glue back in place with tape holding it till glue cures, then slide on mirror and tighten set screw. (deep breath) Where is the set screw located on my '02 Explorer's mirror assembly? Please tell me how to remove the metal pad..there doesn't appear to be a set screw. Thanks so much for your time and patience,  Diane.

If my memory serves me correctly, there is no set screw- there is a "clip" that must be unclipped using a Ford specialty tool.  If you're lucky, you might be able to borrow one from a friendly ford technician.  You'd only need it once for removal, to install, the mirror just snaps into place.  Hope this helps,