QuestionQUESTION: Hello,I own a ford Taurus 3.0 gl station.
This car is imported to the Netherlands in 1998.
As you may know,parts and documentation are almost impossible to get over here.
I found a good address for parts,and i have a shop manual.
But i don't have a electrical wiring diagram.
I want to make some measurement on my ignition,the car shut down on the freeway.
I've checked the distributor,and the gear was broken.
I already ordered it,but now i want to know if the coil and the ignition-module are in good working order.
Can you please give me some advise,maybe you know a place where i can download the electrical diagrams.
Thanks.(very sorry for my bad English).
ANSWER: I don't have a wiring diagram handy, but I can still help you test the coil and module. To check the module, jump down to step 5 on this page (multimeter required)
The coil can be tested with an ohm meter too, but I've found it's much more effective to use a spark tester and crank the engine to make sure the coil is capable of producing enough power. In my experience, Ford modules and coils do not show any signs of trouble before they fail, so if the engine ran good before, it will probably test just fine (but the module could quit tomorrow, or last 10 more years-- no way to be sure). Hope this helps, good luck!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The coil and module seem to be okay,but i had to remove the distributor to replace the broken gear.the car probably will not start because the ignition is not "on time".Can you tell me how i can build the distributor back in,because it was off-time when i removed it,so i have no reference how to do it right,or maybe there is a Internet-site referring to this item?
AnswerGetting the timing back is tricky. You'll need to remove the #1 spark plug and turn the engine over (by hand) until you feel air being pushed out of the cylinder. This means the piston is on its way up on the "compression" stroke. As this is happening, the timing marks should be getting close on the engine front pulley and the timing cover. Align them at "zero". Install the distributor with the rotor pointing to where the #1 spark plug wire attaches to the cap. I usually install the cap and mark the spot on the distributor with a marker. Put the plug and wires back in place and only tighten the distributor enough to hold it slightly. You will need to disconnect the SPOUT plug (look for yellow wires near the ignition module) and use a timing light to set the timing. Once the timing is set, tighten the distributor down good and plug the SPOUT plug back in. Hope this helps,