Ford Repair: 1976 ford truck 4*4, o reilly auto parts, o reilly auto

how do we determain what size engine is in my truck? Can we look for stamping numbers on the block, and if so what is the location of the numbers? we belive we have a 460 engine what specific numbers or letters are we looking for? please send any help are thanks me and my father

Hayden, you can send me the numbers on the block and I can probably tell you what size engine you have.  Another way that I have found is (it is much more specific) to get the casting numbers on the water pump.  If you send me those I can help you.  You can also take them to your local O'Reilly Auto parts and they can tell you ( if you find someone who knows what they are doing).  That year model 4x4 typically came out with a 351M or a 400M.  It is very easy to tell the difference between a ford small block and a ford big block.  Small blocks have the thermostat housing on the intake manifold, and most of the common big blocks have the thermostat housing on the block.  Also, the valve covers are different between the big blocks.  If it is a 460, I am pretty sure that the valve cover has 7 valve cover bolts.  Whereas, the 400 and 351M has 8.  I hope this helps,   Jason