Ford Repair: Starting Problems, taurus 3, ford taurus
Question1999 Ford Taurus , 3
I have recently had the spark plugs replaced and the gas filter. My car hesitates/pauses before it starts. The more I started it , the longer the pause became. Then the car did not want to start at all. After a few minutes, the car started fine. It seems to have trouble starting when it is hot outside (80 Degrees)
The battery and alternator are fine.
Could it be the starter or saloid?
AnswerHello Heather,
If you recently had the fuel filter replaced, it is possible that the fuel pump is starting to fail. It's not their fault, it's just something that happens if the filter had not been changed regularly before. I recommend approx. 20-25K miles in between replacement. A bad fuel pump is a common cause of a hard start, and must build enough pressure fast enough to start good. It could leave you walking, so I would get it professionally checked as soon as you can. I hope this helps, and good luck! Shaun