Ford Repair: re: 97 ford f150, ford f150, security light
QuestionI disconnected the battery and after tried to start the truck. Won't even turn over. Also the bed light was flashing but battery appears to have plenty of power. Suspected starter but can't find manual to see if there is some funky security feature involved. We had to slim jim the door because it locked on us when we re connected the battery.
Any ideas why it won't turn over. Tried neutral also.
Paul R.
AnswerThe first question you sent said this was a 1991 F150, now it's 1997. A 1997 could have a security system but it will not lock doors. A 1997 also has a totally different setup for the engine controls. As for it not turning over, I would check the cables to make sure they're clean and tight, and if the "security" light is not on (on the dash) try lightly tapping the starter to see if it got jammed up.