Ford Repair: t bird running hot, good luck man, coolant level

"I have a 1996 t bird 3.8 that the temp gauge runs normal temp for awhile then after a mile or two the temp gauge will start to rise if i put the heat on full blast it will bring the temp down to normal and then the temp will fluctuate between normal and hot. I suspect that the head gasket is bad but i don't see any leaks and it is not getting into the oil or do i see any white smoke? Before i start ripping it a part how can i check to see if it is the head gasket to give me a concrete diagnosis, thanks"

Hello David,
         You obviously know what signs to look for as far as a head gasket is concerned, and sounds like it doesn't have one. I would verify coolant level and that the thermostat is opening. If it is just running a little hotter than it used to, it probably needs a radiator, because they drop efficiency as they get miles on them. Good luck man.    Shaun.