Ford Repair: shifter cables, 1979 ford ranchero, guitar expert

Hey Jason,

    I am also here on as an electric guitar expert. I was pulling my hair out trying to solve this problem when I had the idea to do what people do with me, ask a question. I have a 1979 Ford Ranchero and it needs a new shifter cable for the automatic transmission to shift. Its an after part so I don't know where to find it. I would like to get it new rather than used. Any thoughts?

               Thank You So Much....Hugh

Hugh, I too also forget to use our service when I have a question.  A shift cable can be found at any parts store, but you may have to find a parts salesman who knows what they are doing.  I know that B&M has one for about 55 dollars, but there may be other companies like pioneer that have one.  I would try an O'Reilly's Auto Parts store if you have one where you live at.  The most important thing to remember when shopping for auto parts is that you should try to find someone who knows what they are doing.  If they look in the computer for 30 seconds and say, "sorry it is a dealer item," then try someone else.  Those type of people do not have the experience of willingness to find the part.  But like I said, I know that B&M has the cable, but you should be able to find one cheaper.  Good luck,   Jason