Ford Repair: front struts on 02 ford taurus, ford taurus, difficulty scale
QuestionAre they easy to replace. Im fairly decent with repair, but this is a new one for me?
Well, I guess "easy" is a relative term. It's not terribly bad if you have all of the right tools. The problem is they're not exactly common hand tools. The most important thing you'll need is a spring compressor. Sometimes you can rent them, but if you can't and don't want to fork over the $150-$200 for one then it's probably best to let a shop handle it. You can do it without a compressor, but it's pretty dangerous and I hesitate to explain how here for safety's sake. If you can get a compressor it's probably a 5 on a 1-10 difficulty scale. Just make sure you've got about half a saturday or so to do it. Then make sure to get your front end aligned afterwards. Hope this helps.