Ford Repair: Engine Stalling without warning, heatsink fins, oxygen sensor

Hi Jason,
I have a 1992 F-150 with the 302 V8 (EEC-IV), approx 160,000 miles. Recently the engine has been stalling. It seems to happen after it has had a chance to warm up and I have driven it for 10-15 minutes. It will idle nice and smooth and runs well but will stall out. I can usually start it back up if it has been off for a minute or two but once the stalling begins it happens more frequently until the next time it has sat long enough. The last time it stalled it took 10 minutes until I could start it.

I checked the continuous error codes and get 18, 41, 31, 32, 33.

18 in the reference show "Spout Circuit" and "Spark Angle Word Failure"

31, 32, 33 seem to be EGR EVP Related
41 is Oxygen sensor.

I suspect that it is Spark related. Possible Ignition Module (TFI Module) or the coil which seems likley since it runs so smooth before it stalls out.

I believe the ignition module on this truck is a grey box with heatsink fins on it that is mounted on the inside fender on the driver side. It is definately not on the distributor.

Based on the codes and the description of the problem what do you think?  This problem is frustrating and dangerous.


Paul, it definitely sounds like a coil or module.  What I would suggest is to take the coil off after it has stalled on you.  Then take your multi-meter and check the resistance on the coil.  If the secondary circuit is above 10 kohms, or fairly close, then I would replace the coil.  Now, you can remove the module and take it to your local parts store and have them check it.  This will eliminate that as being your problem.  If it were me, I would just replace the coil because this is a very typical symptom of a bad ignition coil.  Let me know if you have any more questions.   Jason