Ford Repair: 1997 Ford Taurus transmission, 1997 ford taurus, hefty chunk
QuestionMy 1997 Ford taurus is not moving when I put the car in drive or reverse. The car starts up fine, however the car is not moving at all. Do you know if this is a definite transmission problem, and can this problem be fixed? Any info will help.
Yes, I'd say you're looking at a definite transmission problem. This isn't anything particularly new to Tauruses, either. If I had to guess at the problem (and I do since I can't see the car), I'd say it sounds like your torque converter is shot. Without going too much into what a torque converter is, just think of it as a clutch for an automatic transmission. Can it be fixed? Well...anything can be fixed, but that won't make it cheap. Depending on what kind of damage has been done you could be looking at a very hefty chunk of change for a repair. Hope this helps.