Ford Repair: 2000 Ford Mustang, mass air sensor, mass air flow sensor
Question6 cylinder 2000 Ford Mustang (3.8 liter) 126,000 miles
My engine is shaking violently! I have changed the spark plugs/wires, fuel filter, changed the transmission bracket (broken), checked the engine mounts (good), changed the mass air flow sensor and although I have to admit it does run a little better but still shakes pretty bad. I was told to do two other things, put STP (or equal) in fuel tank and also disconnect the battery terminals for ten seconds (due to changing the mass air flow sensor). Do you have any other ideas what else to check?? Please respond quickly before I sell it and get a Chevy!!!
Disconnecting the battery for 10 seconds woun't do much of anything. It needs to be disconnected for at least 20 minutes with the key in the ignition and turned to the "accessory on" position. That will drain all the leftover energy from the computer and force it to re-learn the motor once it's reconnected to the battery and started up. If that still doesn't smooth the engine out, I'd clean out the throttle body and check for vacuum leaks. But it sounds like the mass air sensor could certainly be the culprit. Hope this helps.