Ford Repair: 2001 ford focus poor idle, coolant line, air pockets

coolant distribution tube blew steam allover engine and now idle drops from 825 to 250 for a couple seconds and then jumps back to normal for 8 or 10 seconds and then does same thing over. car runs good accept for i have a failing catalytic converter engine light code and car loses power and stalls when just under a quartertank and sits over night on a slight incline.


I assume the poor idle started after the coolant line blew.  When you re-fill the radiator you must allow the engine to warm up and the thermostat to open and purge all the air out of the system. Otherwise air pockets will cause an erratic idle.  It is also possible for the thermostat to be stuck or the coolant air bleed tube may be blocked.

Good Luck!!!