Ford Repair: 02 ford blowing fuses, ford powerstroke diesel, needle in a haystack

My brother has an 02 Ford powerstroke diesel that started blowing fuses a couple of weeks ago.

The first time it happened the instrument cluster would not work and there was no throttle response. He called the dealer and they said it was probably a sensor that was on back order for three weeks. I told him to check the fuses and he had one that was blown and when replaced everything worked again.

On Friday the fuse running to the cd player had blown. He replaced it and everything worked again.

Yesterday the fuse that controls the cluster and the throttle blew out again.

Do you know of any bulletins that could be the source of the problem? I'm thinking it is some bare wires coming through the firewall but that could be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Could it be some easier fix I haven't mentioned?



I think the CD player fuse blowing may be unrelated. I would put an ammeter in place of the cluster fuse and check to see what feature increases the amperage over the limit. Then go for that item with speculation.  I would also try to get a good wiring diagram to know everything that circuit powers up.