Ford Repair: 98 ford contour turns over but wont start, fuel pressure gauge, ford contour
Questiona week ago i tried starting my car after sitting for 2 months. I tried starting it for a few hours then the battery went dead, it turned over but wouldn't start. I had a jump and after only a minute the car started right up. now after the car running fine and driving it every day for a week i went to start it one morning and it didn't start and hasn't yet. just like it did a week ago. I have charged the battery, cleaned the connection, checked the fuses, and got a jump and it doesn't seem to help anything it's still turning over but not starting. I have new plugs and wires a year or so ago but have never had a fuel filter change since i bought it in 2002 with 42,000 miles. its a 1998 with 106,000 miles now the v6 2.5ltr dohc. could it be just the fuel filter or could if be something else. How can you tell if the engine is getting fuel or not? I have tools to do it my self if i can an i have no not much money to go to a mechanic.
The only good way to test for fuel is with a fuel pressure gauge. The back yard way is to stick a funnel in the gas filler neck and put your ear into it. Then have a buddy turn the key too the run position and listen for the fuel pump to run. It should run for 2 seconds after the key is turned on. If your lucky there may be an access panel under the back seat to remove the fuel pump. Most cars you have to remove the tank, but I believe the contour has an access panel.
Good Luck!!!