QuestionMy '92 Ford Explorer decideds not to have any juice running through it at
times. I'll drive it and then come out and no lights will come on, the door
"buzzer" won't sound when the ignition is activated and the door is open, the
dash doesn't light up ... nothing. I have a new starter, new starter solenoid
and newer battery. The battery has juice because it will come on sometimes
while I'm trying to turn it on and then quickly die (usually kicks out my CD in
the player before it goes dead). The last time it did this I remember looking at
my guages when I was driving to work and the battery guage showed a
normal level and the car cranked over just fine. Any ideas?
AnswerCheck the battery cables very carefully, there were problems with battery acid leaking on to the harness below the battery and causing all kinds of problems. Also check all your connections, starter relay, battery, starter. Make sure you have good ground connections. We had problems with ignition switches in those years, but that wouldn't affect some of the items you menitoned.