Ford Repair: 92 Taurus intermittent check engine light, oxygen sensor, driveability problems

Hi, I have a 92 Taurus with an intermittent check engine light. It often lights soon after heavy acceleration, like passing. It stays on for several minutes, then goes out, and may repeat. The local garage can't find any trouble codes, and wants the light on to check, but that hasn't happened. No obvious driveability problems (except maybe low mpg: 20-25). Can you suggest a way to catch the codes or a likely bad part?  90k miles, 3.8 liter, AC. Thanks, Wyatt

If the light is coming on that often there should be a code stored in the memory. One of the few items that will do this is the oxygen sensor. If the light comes on frequent enough the tech should be able to capture something on the scannerby duplicating the conditions that cause the problem.