Ford Repair: 1991 T-Bird acts like throttle is stuck....., poor college kid, accelerator cable
QuestionMy 91 t-bird was running fine then on the way home from school on day I noticed when i came to a stop the car still wanted to go. I put the car in neutral and the engine reved up to about half throttle, then i put it back in drive and it started to go again so now when its in park the engine just keeps a consistent hi rev on the engine. I checked the accelerator cable and its not stuck anywhere or on anything under the hood, when i revved the enigne with that lever the idleing didn't go down very much from when it peaked rpms so i just shut the engine off. when i moved the lever (the one that gives the motor gas) i can hear then noise like a lid is bouncing(like when you close a lid to a kitchen trash can and it bounces up and down like once or twice) and i cant se where or what it is. Any ideas, im a poor college kid just trying to find some answers, thanks.
AnswerYou did not mention what engine your car has. Sounds like you may have a sticking idle control valve. Disconnecting it with the engine running will tell you for sure. With the idle valve disconnected the engine should stall or idle very low. The idle control is on the throttle body, has two wire connector, one wire is red, the other can vary in color.