Ford Repair: 302 Motor, unleaded gasoline, valve guides

I have a 1969 Ford Galixie 500 with a 302 motor two barrel, how can i get more power out of this motor or switch it over to a 4 barrel with a bigger carb. I also have a issue with the gasoline, I justed bought this car and the seller told me that i have to put some time of device that allows me to put unleaded gasoline in it.


  I really wouldn't even bother with the 2 barrel carb.  Just swap it out for a 4 barrel piece.  All you'll really need to change is the manifold and carb so it's fairly cheap and easy.  As for the unleaded gas issue, I'd have the heads pulled and install new valve guides, seals, locks, etc. so you can run unleaded gas with no problems.  Buying lead additive is just about the only other solution, and that can get expensive really quick.  Hope this helps.
