Ford Repair: how to remove an alternator from a 93 ford tempo, starter solenoid, ford tempo
QuestionHi, I have a 1993 ford tempo v-6. The car would not start at all, so i bought a new battery and it would'nt start. I went on to the next common thing the alternator. I want to take it off so i can take it to Kragens, so i can get it tested. I removed the bolt from the top, but it wont move at all. It does have a serpentin belt, so do you think i will need a pully?
Well, I can tell you right off the bat that the problem isn't the alternator. The alternator doesn't really have anything to do with starting the just keeps the car running once it's been started. If you've already replaced the battery with no luck then I'd suggest moving on to the starter or starter solenoid (try the solenoid first, it's much cheaper than a new starter). Hope this helps.