Ford Repair: 94 Ford Ranger 4.0L EFI running badly, vientiane laos, family mail

- problem began with what appeared to be fuel starvation when cold, engine ran without power but when you got it warmed up and moving, normal power was there.   Sometimes at speed (55-60) it would run so rough it felt like something mechanically wrong but when you accelerated it would run normally.  occassional huge fuel consumption.
 Currently, engine will start, idle normally but after about 30-50 seconds bog, run rough and stall.  
measures to date:
- changed plugs, it helped somewhat but after 3 weeks pulled plugs and found left bank with ligh coat of white with center plug electrode eroded to pin size.  Right bank plugs were heavily coated with a white coating which I had to scrap off with a blade.
- Postings to other websites got suggestion that problem was the fuel regulator.  Changed today, symptoms the same.  When engine cools soon, will pull plugs, check, regap, and clean.
- air cleaner checked, clean
- Fuel filter not restricting fuel flow
- No apparent broken wires or disconnected sensors.  Checked most fittings, and reseated.
- No apparent broken vacumn lines.

- I am in Vientiane Laos so NO Ford dealer or parts avaialable.  I've got to have family mail all parts needed from the States to here..   One Lao/American auto shop can pull codes and my engine showed 137 412 and 535.  

You might have a bad MAF sensor. There is a new connector for it that you should replace, too. I will check the code soon as I can, but I am sure 137 is a MAF fault code.

You can check this by disconnecting the MAF and see if the symptoms go away. It may not run great, but there should be a huge difference if the MAF is bad.