Ford Repair: 1997 Ford Mustang V6, ford mustang v6, ford mustang
QuestionAs you have read, i won a 97 Mustang V6. The first problem is a jumping/studdering/sputtering that occurs. It sounds like the car is about to stall out. It used to only shake when going about 40-45 mph, but now is continuosly studdering. The check engine light is on, but when i took ti to AZ i was told that it was a bad sensor. This question might be a bit vague, but could you help me out?
AnswerCan you tell me what the codes is that AZ got from it? Their descriptions are highly suspect and I will not advise you based on AZ comments.
The symptoms you describe may be in caused by bad spark plugs or spark plugs wires. It is a good idea to check out the code first before replacing any parts tho.