Ford Repair: Squeal in front of 1992 Ford Taurus, ford taurus, 1992 ford taurus

I have a squeal in the front of my 1992 Ford Taurus.  It is most noticable when I turn the wheels to the left.  It s really noticable if I m sitting still and turn the wheels.  When I drive over  speed bumps  in parking lots, I can also hear the squeak as the car moves up and down.  Would this be the steering or possibly the shocks?  How much $$ am I looking at and could I let it go for alittle while before taking it in?  THANKS!

Without hearing the noise myself I can't be sure, but you most likely have a bad outer tie rod end. This is real common for your type vehicle. You can live with it for a while, but sooner is better since there is a possibilty of breakage which will cause loss of sterring control.

I don't work with prices, I just fix 'em. You will need the part, labor should be minimal plus an alignment.