Ford Repair: Front End / Stearing problem, wheel bearings, electrical problem
QuestionPlease help! I have a 2000 Expedition 5.7L 4WD and recently I have had a problem with a "jerking" sensation under the frontend. This only occurs while under power and at low speeds such as making a right or left turn. It is the same for both right and left turns. If I coast through a right or left turn there are no problems only when gas is applied. It feels as if it is in 4-Lo and you are turning on pavement, however not quite as bad. The dash setting is in AWD as it should be since this model doesn't have the 2wd option. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
AnswerThis is a hard one to diagnose online, but I would look at the CV joint, wheel bearings, something in those areas may be binding. It could be related to AWD, but normally the CEL or overdrive light would flash if there is an electrical problem. I have seen something similar related to the front driveshaft, but since yours happens on turns I doubt it is there.