Ford Repair: Explorer 96, XLT 4WD, channellock pliers, spring clips

Rear brake pads - You answered a question for me about my tach earlier today (will be checking it out soon). However, right now I'm trying to replace the rear brake pads which are worn out.  I've pulled the two bolts holding the caliper in place, but am having difficulty removing and replacing the rear pads. Not sure how to remove the pads.  A note on the internet says to bend the clips but I'm concerned that if I must bend the clips to remove pads, how would I install pads without ruining the clips in the process?

Hi Alan,

The pads are held in by the spring clips. If you are replacing the pads you don't need to worry about the clips, the new pads should have them already. Use a screwdriver to pry them off. The outside pad has small pins that align it, just pry the pad away from the caliper.

To install that outer pad you can use something like a large channellock pliers to pop it on, then push it around until the pins snap into place.

Be sure and grease the sliders with an appropiate grease. I like to put a small dab of the same grease at the point where the brake pads ride on the caliper bracket to keep them from sticking. Those spring clips are pretty strong, takes a little strength to get them on but I doubt you will hurt them